Title: Botan Shishi Kouro
Maker: 二上常太郎 (Futagami Tsunetaro)
Pseudonym: 元威 (Gen i)
Material: Copper
Case: Paulownia
Three Shishi (Lion) hold this incense burner’s legs and two Houou(Fenghuang) are decorated at the body. It’s believed that lion pattern works well for driving out evil spirits. Houou is a member of four fantasy animals which is called “Shirei” with Kirin (Qilin), Kame (Turtle) and Ryu (Dragon) and it’s a god beast looks like a combination of chicken and peacock. It’s said that Houou would show up when the brilliant emperor appeared. People appreciate its graceful shape in Japan.
A lion roars on the lid. Botan (Peony) and its buds can be found under the lion. Peony symbolizes happiness, wealth or perpetual youth and longevity. It has been expressed as one of the good meaning patterns, and believed as a sign of the rich harvest of the year.
The combination of two sacred creatures and peony make a sophisticate and gorgeous look.
Size |
Thichness |
Nakagoana |
Weight |
5.1cm×4.1cm |
0.35cm |
2.0cm×0.8cm |
62g |