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Japanese Sword / Katana

The Japanese sword is one of the famous historical weapons which Samurai used. We believe those who know about Samurai or Samurai history have seen one of them before. We mainly handle two kinds of Japanese swords. One is the authentic Japanese sword and the other is the replica Japanese sword. The authentic sword is sharp and has its history behind while the replica sword has no edge. We recommend you look for replica swords if you admire the history of Samurai, yet cannot afford the authentic ones. Lately, people come across bad quality Japanese swords produced in other countries because the Japanese sword is becoming a popular item worldwide.

However, the swords we are handling at our online gift shop are all made in Japan. We believe the real “Japanese sword” should be made in Japan that has the spirit of Japanese sword so that it might be helpful for you to understand samurai culture. Most of the authentic swords were made between 150 to 400 years ago. It is often said that real sword chooses you and makes you buy it and not the other way around. If you get to like the sword as soon as you see it online, that might mean the real sword “chooses” you.

Replica Sword

The art of Nihonto

A Guide to Sword Maintenance

Updated: 2 Jun 2024

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