These cups are finely tuned to amplify the distinctive sounds of carbonated beverages and to create a creamy head of foam, making the drinking of an enjoyable beer or carbonated beverage an even more enjoyable experience.
The world renowned polishing techniques of the city of Tsubame, Niigata prefecture have produced these Japan-made, top-class 18-8 stainless steel cups.
Outside, Yamanaka lacquerware(URUSHI) techniques are used in these elegant cups.
At the lower portion of the interior a polished spiral feature helps create the foam in beer or carbonated beverages, and in order to form finer bubbles for a creamy foam, the top portion is delicately honed in a way that only a craftsman could perform.
Together with the cups are coasters made of traditional Japanese washi paper from the city of Echizen, Fukui prefecture.
These cups are masterpieces that have the feel of luxury gained from techniques of design based on Japanese traditional craftsmanship.
Do not heat in oven or microwave.
Hand wash only with a mild detergent.