Title: Imari Ware Sakazuki (Sakazuki-03)
Imari Yaki (伊万里焼, Imari ware) is a type of Japanese porcelain produced in Hizen (肥前, Saga prefecture, and Nagasaki prefecture today), it flourished mainly in Arita (有田) town in Saga prefecture. The main port of shipment was Imari, so that this style of porcelain was named Imari Yaki. Until the medieval, Japanese people made pottery, but they depended on foreign countries for porcelains. The first production of domestic porcelain began in Arita town in the 17th century. It is the origin of porcelain in Japan.
Its quality of material characterizes imari ware. Porcelain is even stronger than pottery. Since it is fired at a high temperature (around 1300 degrees) for over 17 hours, it becomes hard and durable. You could hear a clear and high-pitched sound if you flipped this porcelain lightly with your finger. Also, it has a smooth texture compared to other potteries.
This Sakazuki (盃, cup) is decorated with figures and plant designs. Red, blue, and green colors beautifully depict each motif. You would enjoy using it in a practical way to drink. Or, you would also appreciate it as interior decoration. This cup would be a nice collection.
*As this item is an antique, please check each photo and ensure its condition.
【About us】
Samurai Museum is located in Tokyo, Japan, exhibiting antique artifacts related to the Samurai history. Samurai Museum Shop is the place for those who are interested in Japanese culture and craftsmanship. We deal with antique Samurai swords/armor, traditional crafts made in Japan and so on.
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【How to make sure the condition】
Please keep in mind that what you are going to purchase is an antique item. We uploaded high resolution photos for you to check its condition thoroughly. If you like to see more photos with different angles, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to send them to you so that you can make informed decision.
It is essential for us to know that you are happy with your choice of antique item and we are prepared to use the best of our ability to serve you.
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