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Updated: 19 Feb 2025

Showing 61–80 of 352 results

  • $2,303.84

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Shirasaya Case, Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Tanto (Gendaito)
    Age  Shouwa period
    Swordsmith Kanehisa (兼久)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Mino province (today’s Gifu prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 18.3 cm (7.2 inches)
    Curvature: 0 cm (0 inches) 

    More photos& videos available on request. Please feel free to contact us. 

  • $5,595.05

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Shirasaya Case, Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (SHINTO :新刀)
    Age Early Edo period
    Swordsmith attributed to Izumi no Kami Kaneshige (和泉守兼重: Unsigned)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Musashi province (Tokyo prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 68.5 cm ( 26.9 inches)
    Curvature: 1.51 cm (0.59 inches) 

    More photos& videos available on request. Please feel free to contact us. 

  • $4,476.04

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (SHIN TO)
    Age Early Edo period (the mid 17th century)
    Swordsmith Attributed to Owari Seki (尾張関)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Owari (Today’s Aichi prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 69.7 cm (27.4 inches)
    Curvature: 1.51 cm (0.59 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.

  • $9,873.61

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Shirasaya Case (Plain Wooden Case), Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (SHINTO :新刀)
    Age Early Edo Period
    Swordsmith Omi no Kami Hisamichi (近江守久道)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Yamashiro province (Today’s Kyoto prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 69.0 cm ( 27.1 inches)
    Curvature: 1.24 cm (0.48 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.

  • $4,278.56

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Shirasaya Case, Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (SHIN SHIN TO)
    Age The Koka era (1844-1848)
    Swordsmith Inshu Ju Kaneyuki (因州住兼行)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Inaba province (Today’s Tottori prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 67.6 cm (26.6 inches)
    Curvature: 2.4 cm (0.94 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.

  • $4,936.81

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Shirasaya Case, Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (新刀: SHINTO)
    Age Early Edo period (1661-1673)
    Swordsmith Hoshu Fujiwara Masayuki (豊州藤原正行)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Bungo province (Today’s Oita prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 62.1 cm ( 24.4 inches)
    Curvature: 1.51 cm (0.59 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.

  • $3,291.20

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany, Hong Kong, France, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Shirasaya Case, Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (KOTO)
    Age Late Muromachi period (1558-1570)
    Swordsmith Kaneyasu (兼安)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Mino Province (Today’s Gifu prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 71.2  cm ( 28.0 inches)
    Curvature: 1.9 cm (0.75 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.


  • $4,936.81

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Shirasaya Case, Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Tachi (KOTO :古刀)
    Age Early Muromachi period
    Swordsmith Attributed to Osafune Tsuneie (長船経家: Unsigned)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate (Early 15th century)
    Location Bizen province (Today’s Okayama prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 77.0 cm ( 30.3 inches)
    Curvature: 1.9 cm (0.75 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.

  • $4,607.68

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (新刀: SHINTO)
    Age Early Edo period (1661-1673)
    Swordsmith Echizen no Kami Fujiwara Kunitsugu (越前守藤原国次)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Yamashiro province  (Today’s Kyoto)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 63.4 cm ( 24.9 inches)
    Curvature: 0.9 cm (0.35 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.

  • $5,924.17

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Shirasaya Case (Plain Wooden Case), Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (SHIN SHIN TO :新々刀)
    Age Late Edo period (1831-1845)
    Swordsmith Attributed to  Enryushi Kunihide (園龍子国秀:Unsigned)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Kozuke province (Today’s Gunma prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 68.4 cm ( 26.9 inches)
    Curvature: 1.6 cm (0.63 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.

  • $4,476.04

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Shirasaya Case (Plain Wooden Case), Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (KOTO :古刀)
    Age Estimated Mid-Late Muromachi period(Late 15th century-early 16th century)
    Swordsmith Attributed to Mino Senjuin (美濃千手院: Unsigned)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Mino province (Today’s Gifu prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 72.4 cm ( 28.5 inches)
    Curvature: 2.1 cm (0.82 inches) 

    More photos& videos available on request. Please feel free to contact us. 

  • $4,936.81

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Shirasaya Case, Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (新刀: SHINTO)
    Age Jokyo era (1684-1688: Early Edo Period)
    Swordsmith Fujiwara Sadatsugu (藤原貞次)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Owari province (Today’s Aichi prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 69.7 cm ( 27.4 inches)
    Curvature: 1.1 cm (0.43 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.

  • $0.00

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Shirasaya Case (Plain Wooden Case), Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (KOTO:古刀)
    Age Late Kamakura period (early 14th century)
    Swordsmith Attributed to Ryokai (了戒: Unsigned)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Yamashiro (Today’s Kyoto prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 70.7 cm ( 27.8 inches)
    Curvature: 1.36 cm (0.53 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.


  • $7,240.65

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Shirasaya Case, Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (SHIN SHIN TO :新々刀)
    Age The second year of the Tenpo era (1831)
    Swordsmith Inhanshi Uemura Motokazu (因藩士植村元一)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Inaba province (Tottori prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 69.2 cm ( 27.2 inches)
    Curvature: 1.4 cm (0.55 inches) 

    More photos& videos available on request. Please feel free to contact us. 

  • $5,924.17

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Shirasaya Case, Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (古刀: Koto)
    Age Late Muromachi Period (Late 15th- early 16th century)
    Swordsmith Attributed to Fuyuhiro (冬廣: Unsigned)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Wakasa province (Today’s Fukui prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 71.0 cm ( 27.9 inches)
    Curvature: 2.0 cm (0.78 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.

  • $5,924.17

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Shirasaya Case (Plain Wooden Case), Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (SHINTO :新刀)
    Age Early Edo period
    Swordsmith Jumyo (寿命: Unsigned)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Mino province (Today’s Gifu prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 70.4 cm ( 27.7 inches)
    Curvature: 1.8 cm (0.70 inches) 

    More photos& videos available on request. Please feel free to contact us. 

  • $5,924.17

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (SHINTO :新刀)
    Age Early Edo period
    Swordsmith Jyumyo (寿命)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Mino province (Today’s Gifu prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 63.0 cm ( 24.8 inches)
    Curvature: 1.4 cm (0.55 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.

  • $4,607.68

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Shirasaya Case, Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (KOTO :古刀)
    Age Estimated Late 14th century-early 15th century
    Swordsmith Attributed to Chiyozuru (千代鶴: Unsigned)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Echizen province (Fukui prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 68.6 cm ( 27.0 inches)
    Curvature: 1.6 cm (0.63 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.

  • $14,481.29

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Koshirae Case (Decorative Sword Mounting), Shirasaya Case, Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (KOTO :古刀)
    Age Late Muromachi Period
    Swordsmith Attributed to Den Osafune Magouemon Nojyou Kiyomitsu (伝 長船孫右衛門尉清光: Unsigned)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Bizen province (Okayama prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 73.2 cm (28.8 inches)
    Curvature: 2.5 cm (0.98 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.

  • $3,620.32

    DELIVERY TIME: Approx. 1-1.5 months
    *We ship from Tokyo, Japan. There might be delay in shipment depending on countries.

    USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany , Belgium, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Australia
    *Please contact us prior to purchase if your country isn’t listed.

    INCLUDED: NBTHK Hozon Certificate, Shirasaya Case, Traditional Sword Carrying Bag, Sword Maintenance Kit, Full Exportation Support

    Category Katana (SHINTO)
    Age  Kan-Ei~Seiho era (1624-1647: Early Edo period)
    Swordsmith Fujiwara Yukinaga (藤原行長)
    Certificate NBTHK Hozon Certificate
    Location Bungo Province (Oita prefecture)
    Blade Size Cutting Edge Length: 67.4 cm ( 26.5 inches)
    Curvature: 1.6 cm (0. 63 inches) 

    Thank you for visiting our website. This sword was sold as each antique Japanese sword is one of a kind. However, we might be able to show you something similar because we have various types of swords available. Also, there are ones that aren’t listed on the website yet. Our customer service will help you find your ideal blade you will cherish for generations. Please feel free to contact us or check the list of swords. We will be more than happy to help you.